Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharm
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)
Please log in to write Testolab-E 250 review.
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (400 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)
Jun 23, 2020 (12:28)
Fantastic Product!
This products it takes some time to start working about 7-8 days. But when it does, you will see the results