Steroids News

Dragon Pharma is excited to announce the rebranding of Dragon Pharma Semaglutide to DragoZepic. Official Distributor of British-Dragon Pharma

Ryzen Pharmaceutical's is a well-known brand in the field of steroids and has recently teamed up with Panda Roids. Official Distributor of Axiolabs Pharma

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Balkan lab test of Testosterone Propionate 10 amps with 100 mg/ml. Report: Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/ml - 103 mg/ml

Enanthat 250 Lab Test Report: Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg/ml

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Lab Report (Testosterone Cypionate) lab Results: 256.2 mg/ml

Geneza GP Test Enanth 250 (Testosterone Enanthate) lab Results:

Hilma Trenbolone Enanthate(Testosterone Enanthate) Result: 208mg/ml

Sciroxx Trenadex Acetate 100 mg (Trenbolone Acetate)l Result: 100 mg/ml

Balkan's Pharmaceuticals Decandrol 200 mg (Nandrolone Decanoate)l Result: 208 mg/ml

Testo Blend 350 Report: Testosterone Enanthate 219 mg/ml, Testosterone Cypionate 111 mg/ml, Testosterone Propionate 55mg/ml.

Balkan's Pharmaceuticals Enandrol Result: 261 mg/ml

Sustantrol 250l Results: 30.2 mg/ml Testosterone Propionate - 59.3 mg/ml Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 57.7 mg/ml Testosterone Isocaproate - 97.5 mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate.

Dragon Pharma Cypionte 250 (Testosterone Cypionate) Report: 278mg/ml

In bodybuilding, too, one is always on the lookout for the next great athlete who dominates the most prestigious competitions and can serve as a figurehead with special charisma. You don't have to fool yourself, even the Brandon Currys and Big..

The new Mr. Olympia is called Mamdouh Elssbiay and comes from Egypt. Big Ramy completely convinced last weekend in Orlando.

Due to the current situation in Las Vegas, those responsible have decided to change location. With current developments, only 250 people would be admitted to..

Despite the heart surgery, Arnold seems to be starting a new adventure, as you can see in videos and photos on social networks.

The Romania Muscle Fest Pro took place in Bucharest, the athletes qualify for the 2021 Olympic Games in a total of 9 different classes.

Since the competition in the English capital had to be brought forward spontaneously in order to avoid the lockdown that has been in effect since today, the omens for a perfectly thought-out Peak Week were of course not the best.

Litecoin listed on the exchanges as LTC, is one of the oldest cryptocurrencies and consistently ...

Dear Customers! BitCoin a new method of payment on PandaRoids We wish to inform you that we have a new payment method on PandaRoids store – BITCOIN. Official Distributor of SP Laboratories

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