British Grand Prix 2020 Bodybuilding

Since the competition in the English capital had to be brought forward spontaneously in order to avoid the lockdown that has been in effect since today, the omens for a perfectly thought-out Peak Week were of course not the best. Not only James Hollingshead had to struggle with this particular circumstance at the British Grand Prix, but also every other registered participant. Nobody will contradict the statement that as an athlete living in the UK you got it better.

Whether the home advantage was the decisive factor remains pure speculation, but in the end there was nothing to shake in James Hollingshead's victory. The IFBB Pro, currently sponsored by RedCon1, won the event unanimously according to the scorecards and seemed to completely convince the judges. He did the same to Angel Calderon Frias, who had won the 212 division shortly before, and repeated his triumph from Alicante. The man from the United Kingdom is therefore eligible to compete in the Mr. Olympia this year as well as next.

For the event, which had already been brought forward at short notice, another top favorite reported without hesitation, who was also at the start in Alicante: Regan Grimes: The Canadian bodybuilder sensed his chance to use the field of participants that had been decimated due to Corona and so after qualifying for the Mr. Olympia 2020, which he had bagged himself with points, to take with him the starting authorization for the following year a little later. The 27-year-old delivered a respectable package, but had to put up with second place. Nevertheless, the way to London was not completely in vain for him because of the points he won.

British Grand Prix 2020 - Men's Open
James Hollingshead
Regan Grimes
Marc Hector
Jamie Christian-Johal
Theo Leguerrier

At the British Grand Prix, which was held very quickly, Marc Hector also impressed. The overall champion of the Mr. Olympia Amateur 2018 basically has everything for a great career in bodybuilding. An overall very aesthetic athlete who ultimately deservedly took home the bronze medal. Jamie Christian-Johal and Theo Leguerrier were relegated to fourth and fifth place by the native Englishman. For Samson Dauda it was only enough for sixth place.

 There is no question that the British Grand Prix 2020 did not go as planned, but regardless of this, the organizers have to be complimented on how they managed to get the competition off the ground despite the adversities caused by the corona and thus give the athletes the opportunity to participate. Although most of the starters probably had to change or adapt their strategy without further ado, this solution was definitely more suitable than simply canceling the event. 

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