I ran 50 mg Oxy per day for 4 weeks and 500 mg test for 12 weeks. I've seen good strength and weight gains from Oxyplex with less bloat than from Dbol. The test was great, I had injected zero pip and a 25 gauge needle superbly. I was impressed with the weight and stamina gains I got from such a simple cycle with these Axio products.
I am very happy with the results.
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Nov 27, 2020 (03:02)
I ran 50 mg Oxy per day for 4 weeks and 500 mg test for 12 weeks. I've seen good strength and weight gains from Oxyplex with less bloat than from Dbol. The test was great, I had injected zero pip and a 25 gauge needle superbly. I was impressed with the weight and stamina gains I got from such a simple cycle with these Axio products.
I am very happy with the results.