box was so small it made me nervous but inside were bubble wrapped vials of axio sustanon
Nov 20, 2020 (05:18)
The best thing about Sustaplex 350 is that there is no pip, it works quickly, and the libido was solid throughout the run. Lose fat without really trying to increase muscle mass. At a higher test dose like this, the energy levels are unmatched. I sometimes feel like 18 years old again. Lol. Wife loves it too. I can't thank Axiolabs enough for giving me a try.
Jun 25, 2020 (07:02)
I prefer to stack sustaplex with dianoxyl 10 from kalpa you will get a decent muscle pack!
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Aug 19, 2022 (04:13)
box was so small it made me nervous but inside were bubble wrapped vials of axio sustanon