Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Clomiphene Citrate
Pack: 50 tabs (50 mg/tab)
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You will get 2 vials Testaplex P 100
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Substance: Testosterone Propionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
You will get 1 Clomiplex
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Substance: Clomiphene Citrate
Pack: 50 tabs (50 mg/tab)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Clomiphene Citrate
Pack: 100 tabs (50 mg/tab)
Feb 2, 2022 (03:42)
What do you think is better Clomid or Nolva for post cycle therapy? From what I read Clomid seems to have more benefits, is true?